Wednesday 16 September 2015

Elderly Writing

Why the Elderly Should be cared for ByGeorge

The elderly should be cared for by a mixture of the Government, their communities and their families.

Imagine this: sitting in the corner of a massive home, cold, thirsty, and hungry. nobody there to give you a hand. This could be your grandparent, and it could be your future.

Firstly they, could be related to us. And they cared for us when we were young, so we should care for them when they’re old. Families should stay together, if we want them to enjoy their lives.

Secondly is their experience. If we don’t care for them all their wisdom will be wasted, and we wouldn’t know much about history and some of their old skills will be lost.

Furthermore, the Government should care for elderly. Some of the elderly could have fought in world wars or worked for the Government, and they all payed taxes and their not even recognised. The Elderly need to be cared for if the Government want them to enjoy their life.

Research shows, the proportion living with their spouse decreased with age, especially for women. Only 32% of women 75+ years old lived with a spouse. About 28% (11.8 million) of all noninstitutionalized older persons in 2012 lived alone (8.4 million women, 3.5 million men) would you like that.

These are the reasons you should care for the elderly!

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